Saturday, May 1, 2010

There's a New Sheriff in Town

I heard a couple of stories from the men's locker room and I must say that they are a little disturbing.

The first situation has to do with a man and a blow dryer. This man was seen on very regular basis naked with his leg up on the counter blow drying his private area. He did wear a cowboy hat and sunglasses though, so that makes it better, right? Um, I'm a girl, so any guys out there want to tell me if it is necessary to blow dry this area? Seriously, towel off buddy.

Another story I heard was about a guy in his 70's, who would be butt naked, leg up on the counter shaving his . . . . . .

GYM ETIQUETTE TIP OF THE DAY: Um, yeah, not sure what it should be, but maybe just maybe, don't put your leg up on the counter when you need to shave or blow dry. Towel off instead of blow drying. Um, if you are shaving your face put a towel on. Just some ideas. Please feel free to leave suggestions in the comment area for our leg up on the counter, blow drying, shaving guys.

And remember please send any gym pet peeves to me at We will do our best to educate the clueless at gyms nationwide. Next post, Kids in the gym, seriously people the stair stepper is not a jungle gym, and the whirlpool is not a kiddie pool. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure we're not in the same town?.. There is a guy that does the same thing w/o the leg ,, but I diddnt stick around to watch! lol funny as hell tho' seeing someone do that for the first time... after that I just made sure I wasnt in there when he was.


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